

Thursday, October 10, 2013

CEH tool list

C|EH Tool list

Green = Hands On Labs
Yellow = Important
Red = Optional but important

Chapter 2 Footprinting

  • Open source
  • Brightly – SamSpade (expires)
  • Whois (online)
  • Nslookup (built-in)
  • ARIN (online)
  • Neo Trace (expires)
  • VisualRoute Trace
    • VisualLookout
    • eMailTrackerPro
  • SmartWhois (dumb) (Expires)
  • Google!

Chapter 3 Scanning

  • Nmap (window & Linux)
  • Nessus
  • Retina eEye
  • HPING2 (Backtrack 4)
  • Firewalk (Backtrack 3-4)
  • NIKTO (Linux) Web Scanner (Backtrack 3-4)
  • GFI LANGUARD (Backtrack 3-4)
  • ISS Security Scanner
  • Netcraft
  • ipEye, IPSecScan
  • NetScan Tools Pro 2003
  • SuperScan 2-4
  • THC Scan
  • Pinger
  • Cheops (Backtrack 4)
  • SocksChain
  • Proxy Servers
  • Anonymizers
  • Bypassing Firewall using Httptunnel
  • HTTPort

Chapter 4 – Enum

  • Null Sessions
    • countermeasures
  • Net use
  • DumpSec
  • Winfo
  • NAT
  • SNmp enum
  • SNScan
  • Snmputil
  • Solarwinds (expires)
  • Enum
  • DNS Zone Transfer
    • Nslookup ls-d
  • Sid2User
  • User2Sid
  • UserInfo
  • GetAcct
  • DumpReg
  • Trout (ping &Tracert)
  • Winfingerprint (start menu)
  • PSTools
    • PsFile
    • PsLoggedOn
    • PsGetSid
    • PsInfo
    • PsService
    • PsList
    • PsKill and PsSuspend
    • PsLogList
    • PsExec
    • PsShutdown
  • Ldp.exe

CH 5 System Hacking

  • NTInfoScan
  • Legion
  • Sniff traffic
  • Lophtcrack (expires)
  • Pwdump2, pwdump3
  • kerbsniff and kerbcrack
  • nbtdeputy
  • nbname
  • john the ripper (backtrack 4)
  • syskey
  • smbrelay
  • SMBGrind
  • Smbdie
  • getAdmin
  • hk.exe
  • X
  • Alternate Data Streams
    • LADS
    • MakeStrm.exe (ADS)
    • LNS.exe
  • Snow
  • Outguess
  • Stegdetect
  • Diskprobe
  • AuditPol
  • Elsave
  • Winzapper
  • FU

CH6 Trojans

  • Beast
  • Phatbot (P2P)
  • Amitis
  • QAZ
  • Back Orifice
  • Back Orifice 2000
  • Tini
  • NetBus
  • SubSeven
  • Netcat
  • Donald Dick
  • Let me rule
  • fport
  • tcpview
  • Prcview
  • Tripwire
  • Sigverif

CH 7 Sniffers

  • Ethereal (Wireshark)
  • Dsniff (Need Hub environment)
  • Sniffit
  • Aldebaran
  • Hunt (if time exists)
  • NGSSniff
  • Ntop
  • pf
  • IPTraf
  • Etherape (Unix) / (macof)
  • Netfilter (Unix)
  • Network Probe
  • Maa Tec Network Analyzer
  • Snort (IDS)
  • Driftnet
  • TCPDump / WinDump

CH 7 Tools for Sniffing

  • Snort
  • Macof, MailSnaraf, URLSnarf, WebSpy
  • Windump
  • Etherpeek
  • Ettercap
  • SMAC
  • Mac Changer
  • Iris
  • NetIntercept
  • WinDNSSpoof

CH8 Dos

  • Jolt2
  • Bubonic.c
  • Land and LaTierra
  • Targa
  • Trin00
  • Tribe Flow Network (TFN)
  • TFN2K
  • Stacheldraht
  • Shaft
  • Trinity
  • Knight
  • Mstream
  • Kaiten

CH 10 Session Hijacking

  • Juggernaut
  • Hunt
  • TTY Watcher (Sun tool)
  • IP Watcher
  • T-Sight

CH 12 Web app vulnerability

  • Instant Source
  • Wget
  • WebSleuth
  • BlackWidow
  • WindowBomb
  • Burp
  • cURL

CH13 Password Cracking

  • L0phtCrack
  • John The Ripper
  • Brutus
  • Obiwan
  • Authforce
  • Hydra
  • WebCracker
  • Munga Bunga
  • PassList
  • ReadCookies.html
  • SnadBoy
  • WinSSLMiM
  • RAR
  • Gammaprog
  • Cain And Abel

CH 14 SQL Injection

  • SQLDict (Dictionary Attack)
  • SQLScanner.exe
  • Osql.exe
  • SQLExec (Default SA & Pass)
  • SQLbf (Brute Force)
  • SQLSmack (Linux)
  • SQL2.exe (UDP Buffer Overflow)
  • AppDetective
  • Database Scanner
  • SQLPoke
  • NGSSQLCrack , NGSSQuirreL
  • SQLPing v2.2

CH15 Wireless

  • Redfang 2.5 (Bluetooth)
  • Kismet
  • THC-WarDrive
  • PrismStumbler
  • MacStumbler
  • Mognet
  • WaveStumbler (Linux)
  • Stumbverter
  • AP Scanner
  • SSID Sniff
  • Wavemon
  • Wireless Security Auditor
  • AirTraf
  • Wifi Finder
  • AirMagnet

Sniffing Tools

  • AiroPeek
  • NAI Wireless Sniffer
  • Ethereal
  • VPNmonitorl
  • Aerosol v0.65
  • vxSniffer
  • EtherPEG
  • DriftNet

  • WinDump  

CEH: OSI model

Hacking and the OSI Model (TCP/IP) 

Layer 7
  • URL Obfuscation
  • Buffer Overflows
  • MITM
  • Brute Force
  • DNS Poisoning
  • DHCP Starvation (application)
  • Service Flood Request
  • Back Orifice, NetCat, Tini, NetBus, FU, Brutus
  • Application Hijacking
  • XSS

Commonly Targeted protocols
  • HTTP
  • POP3
  • SMTP
  • IMAP
  • DNS

Layer 6
  • File Type Conversions
  • HEX editing

Commonly Targeted Filetypes
  • .html
  • .doc
  • .php
  • .xml
  • .txt
  • .mp3
  • .wav

Layer 5
  • SMB
  • RPC
  • NFS
  • SQL Injection

Commonly Targeted Protocols
  • SQL
  • NFS
  • RPC

Layer 4
  • TCP
    • SRAF UP (Flags)
      • To learn how this works, record a conversation in Wireshark and then play the stream back and watch the flags change from source to destination
    • Syn Flooding with spoofed IP source address
    • Session Hijacking
    • Netstat
  • UDP
    • Fraggle
  • Tools
    • Hping

Commonly Targeted Protocols
  • TCP
  • UPD

Layer 3
  • IP
  • IPSec
    • AH
    • ESP
    • Oakley, ISAKMP, IKE
  • Routing Protocols
  • MITM
  • IP Spoofing
  • ICMP Flood
  • ICMP
    • Smurf Attack – Broadcast address, spoofed source address, large packet
    • Ping Of Death – Large Fragmented packet (>65000)
  • Routers
  • Some Tools
    • Nmap
    • NetCat
    • Hping

Layer 2
  • MAC Flooding
  • MAC Spoofing
  • MAC Duplicating
  • ARP Poisoning
  • ARP Spoofing
  • Man-In-The-Middle
  • Switches / Hubs
  • Wan Encapsulations
    • X.25, Frame Relay, HDLC, SDLC, ISDN BRI, ISDN PRI,
  • VPN
    • L2f, L2TP, PPTP
  • NDIS

Layer 1

  • Fiber Optics
  • TX/RX
  • Cat 5
  • WiFi
  • Twisted Pair, Coax,