A denial of service (DoS) attack is a resource consumption attack that has the primary goal of preventing legitimate activity on a victimized system. A DoS attack renders the target unable to respond to legitimate traffic.
There are two basic forms of denial of service:
• Attacks exploiting a vulnerability in hardware or software. This exploitation of a weakness, error, or standard feature of software intends to cause a system to hang, freeze, consume all system resources, and so on. The end result is that the victimized computer is unable to process any legitimate tasks.
• Attacks that flood the victim’s communication pipeline with garbage network traffic. These attacks are sometimes called traffic generation or flooding attacks. The end result is that the victimized computer is unable to send or receive legitimate network communications.
In either case, the victim has been denied the ability to perform normal operations (services).
DoS isn’t a single attack but rather an entire class of attacks. Some attacks exploit flaws in operating system software, whereas others focus on installed applications, services, or protocols. Some attacks exploit specific protocols, including Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
DoS attacks typically occur between one attacker and one victim. However, they aren’t always that simple. Most DoS attacks employ some form of intermediary system (usually an unwilling and unknowing participant) to hide the attacker from the victim. For example, if an attacker sends attack packets directly to a victim, it’s possible for the victim to discover who the attacker is. This is made more difficult, although not impossible, through the use of spoofing.
Many DoS attacks begin by compromising or infiltrating one or more intermediary systems that then serve as launch points or attack platforms. These intermediary systems are commonly referred to as secondary victims. The attacker installs remote-control tools, often called bots, zombies, or agents, onto these systems. Then, at an appointed time or in response to a launch command from the attacker, the DoS attack is conducted against the victim. The victim may be able to discover zombied systems that are causing the DoS attack but probably won’t be able to track down the actual attacker. Attacks involving zombied systems are known as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Deployments of numerous bots or zombies across numerous unsuspecting secondary victims have become known as botnets.
Here are some countermeasures and safeguards against these attacks:
• Adding firewalls, routers, and intrusion detection systems (IDSs) that detect DoS traffic and automatically block the port or filter out packets based on the source or destination address
• Disabling echo replies on external systems
• Disabling broadcast features on border systems
• Blocking spoofed packets from entering or leaving your network
• Keeping all systems patched with the most current security updates from vendors.